How to get there
Your journey to paradise is more convenient than you would think, as there are daily flights from the US to Belize City. The second leg of your journey will be from Belize City to San Pedro. While at the Belize City Airport, make sure stop by Jets Bar for a famous rum punch and hotdog. From Belize City, you will take a small plane to San Pedro. Make sure you bring your camera, because the views you'll see from the plane are something you'll want to put in your scrap book.
When you arrive at the San Pedro Airport, your Tranquility Bay Resort experience will begin. Our friendly staff will greet you and transport you to our secluded resort by boat. On the way you can enjoy a refreshing soft drink, cocktail or ice cold Belikin beer. As our entire journey lies protected, inside the Belize Barrier Reef, the trip itself is not only beautiful and relaxing, but will always be calm and pleasant.
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